In Āyurveda each of the tridosha and their comprising elements have a fine and subtle essence in addition to the subdoshas referenced above. This essence relates to the more subtle of the two elements that primarily compose each dosha.
For Kapha dosha and the water element it is called Ojas.
For Pitta dosha and the fire element it is called Tejas.
For Vāta dosha and the ether element it is called Prāna.
Some of the primary functions of Ojas, Tejas, and Prāna are as follows:
Maintains immunity of bodily tissues; protective energy.
Vitality, luster of eyes, glow of skin, subtle substance of the aura
Compassion, contentment, love, clarity, expansion of consciousness.Keeps joints in place.
Keeps doshas in their sites.
Maintains quality & quantity of dhatus, malas & doshas.
Nourishes sensory perception.
What gives us strength, nutrition, tone of muscles, healthy glow and luster.
The energy of digestion and transformation of everthing we take in and experience.
Cellular intelligence and metabolic activity.
Governs body temperature.
Color perception.
Color of complexion, eyes & skin.
Tactile perception (touch, pressure, pain, temperature).
Cellular division and multiplication, cellular permeability of membranes.
Upward movement: going beyond fear and confusion.
Stimulates udāna vayu which raises intelligence and levels of consciousness.
Respiration, oxygenation, circulation, keeps cells alive.
Sustains our life force.
All sensory and motor functions.
All mental activity, flow of communication.
The intake of food, water and air.
The bridge between body, mind & consciousness.
Holds all particles together.
Governs the biological functions of ojas and tejas.