​Abhyanga - a hot oil massage that nourishes the entire body and decrease the effect of aging. It increases circulation, lubricates the joints & limbs, improves sleep, calms the nerves and detoxifies the whole body.
60 min | 14 000 Ft
Synchronised Abhyanga - a four hand massage for 90 min . Two therapist will massage you with synchronised movements.. benefits are same as for abhyanga
90 min | 25 000 Ft
Udvartana - a massage for metabolic and lifestyle disorders. It applies a mixed powder of herbs rubbed onto your body by the therapist. It helps you to get rid of obesity, diabetes , high blood pressure (hypertension) and some modern day deceases.
60 min | 14 000 Ft
Cellulite massage - The main reason for the formation of cellulite is the irregular penetration of adipose tissue into the skin layer of the skin, which can be effectively reduced or eliminated with a massage or massage course, depending on its extent. During the massage, the problem area is treated with herbal powders and oils.
60 min | 14 000 Ft
Bashpa swedana - done by making the patient to sit in the chamber where steam emanates from boiling herbal decoction.
15 min | 4 000 Ft
Naadi Swedana - more penetrating type of steam than bhaspa swedana. Given to the whole body, using a tube to apply mainly on joints.
15 min | 4 000 Ft
Patra Potli - (Ela Kizhi) or patra pinda sweda is a form of sweat therapy used to provide relief from pain and rejuvenate and strengthen the soft tissues, joints and muscles. It is prepared from herbal ingredients (such as leaves of herbal plants) to induce sweating.
60 min | 16 000 Ft
Shirodhara- shirodhara is a unique and powerful ayurvedic therapy that balance and stAbilize the mind.shirodhara purifies the mind ,alleviAtes anxiety,reduces headaches and expands awareness.
60 min | 17 000 Ft
Nasya - an ayurvedic detoxification therapy which involves application of herbal oil through nostrils. It imProves the health of the sensory organs, lears sinus congestion, removes toxins from the head and neck, provides relief from headache.
30 min | 7 000 Ft
Mukha Lepam - a type of ayurvedic facial treatment bringing glow and radiance to the face. Also known for being anti-aging, delaying wrinkles, treats pigmentations and dark spots.
45 min | 14 000 Ft
Back Massage - ayurvedic hot oil massage to help you fix your posture after sitting all day in your office chair.
30 min | 8 000 Ft
Head, Neck, Shoulder massage -giving you relief from headache, cures cervical problems and free you from stress for a good and deep sleep.
30 min | 8 000 Ft
Stomach correction - a gentle massage on the stomach that helps to get rid of digestion issues, constipation and bloating.
30 min | 8 000 Ft
Joint Massage - this massage helps you to get rid of joint pain with vata oil which makes your joints stronger and gives you relief of pain.
60 min | 14 000 Ft
Marma feet massage - wise men say that the personality of an individual is weighed by looking at his feet. This massage improves the roughness of foot. It strengthens the joints, makes good and accurate vision and helps with sciatica problem.
45 min | 11 000 Ft
Navara Kizhi - (rice potli ) Milk is very well known nutrient to us. Milk processed with herbs and a special type of rice are combined together to be used in an effective massage. This helps you to get rid of pain, inflammation and stiffness of bones and improves the whole neuromuscular system.
60 min | 16 000 Ft
Ksheera Dhara - Milk Dhara. This treatment utilizes luke warm herbal milk. It is beneficial for vata and pitta headaches, stress, insomnia and anxiety. It cures arthritis problems as well.
60 min | 17 000 Ft
Netra Basti or Netra Tarpana - netra means eye and tarpana means nourishment. It is good for dryness, dirtiness, pain, irritation of the eyes .
30 min | 8 000 Ft
Basti - helps the circulation in the body region where it is applied. The skin absorbs the oil that nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. It helps to relive chronic aches, painful muscle spasms and stiffness . It restores flexibility and activate your chakras as well.
45 min | 9 000 Ft
Kati Basti- lower back
Prishtha Basti- Upper Back
Siro Basti- Head
Udar Basti- Stomach
Greeva Basti-Neck
Janu Basti- Knees
Uro Basti- Chest
Jaghanaa Basti- Hip Joints
Ayurvedic Consultation without massage​
25 min | 9 000 Ft
Ayurvedic Consultation with a 30 min head, neck, shoulder massage
55 min | 15 000 Ft
Ayurvedic Consultation + Abhyanga + Sauna
105 min | 27 000 Ft
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